A File Manager software tool is found in all Internet hosting Control Panels. As the name shows, it's employed to control the files in an account and all File Managers support a variety of primary functions - browsing, moving, copying and deleting files. Several Control Panels could provide more complex features too - changing file and folder permissions or creating and unpacking archives. Even though files may be uploaded and downloaded through an FTP client, the File Manager is employed way more often, so the easier to use it is, the easier it will be for you to control your online presence as a whole. The opposite is also true - a File Manager which is hard to use may make it more aggravating and difficult for you to handle the website content, especially if you do not have previous experience.

File Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

When you get a cloud web hosting through our company, you may take advantage of a modern File Manager tool, which is a part of our Hepsia web hosting CP. It comes with a lot of features and even standard ones like copying or moving files may be accessed via right-click context menus, that will make you feel like you’re using an application on your home PC. If you move whole folders, their structure shall be kept unchanged, so you will not need to worry about scrambled files. The context menus will provide you with access to a lot of other innovative functions as well, so things like creating an archive of an entire folder or creating a password-protected area shall be simply a mouse click away. What is more, you won't need a third-party FTP program to upload content, as our File Manager supports drag & drop and folder uploads. You could also use three different file editors – a plain text editor, a code editor and a WYSIWYG editor.

File Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our File Manager tool allows you to do virtually anything you need. It's an element of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all semi-dedicated server accounts and aside from the normal functions like copying, deleting or renaming files, you will be able to use right-click menus so as to access more complex ones. With several mouse clicks, you will be able to password-protect any folder in the account, to modify the UNIX permissions if a script-based app requires it or to edit the content of any file using plain text, code and WYSIWYG editors. Additionally, you will no longer require an FTP program to upload new content because you could just drag-and-drop files and whole folders from your computer directly to the File Manager. The tool will do the rest, keeping the folder structure of the content which you upload.